• Select the atoms coordinated to the center of the sphere

  • Select in the index of the atoms for z axis definition

  • Select the atoms for xz-plane definition

  • Select the atoms to be deleted

  • Check the orientation of the complex

  • Atomic radii

    Bondi radii scaled by 1.17
    Bondi radii
  • Sphere radius

  • Distance of the coordination point from the center of the sphere

  • Mesh spacing for numerical integration

  • Check the box below to include H atoms in the calculations

  • Input completed

  • File content

    No file loaded


                                          Implementation of this server has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement No. CP-FP 211468-2 EUMET.

    Powerd by ISISLab


    No preview available

    Atoms Radius


    H 1.09
    He 1.40
    Li 1.82
    Be 1.53
    B 1.92
    C 1.70
    N 1.55
    O 1.52
    F 1.47
    Ne 1.54
    Na 2.27
    Mg 1.73
    Al 1.84
    Si 2.10
    P 1.80
    S 1.80
    Cl 1.75
    Ar 1.88
    K 2.75
    Ca 2.31
    Sc 2.15
    Ti 2.11
    V 2.07
    Cr 2.06
    Mn 2.05
    Fe 2.04
    Co 2.00
    Ni 1.63
    Cu 1.40
    Zn 1.39
    Ga 1.87
    Ge 2.11
    As 1.85
    Se 1.90
    Br 1.85
    Kr 2.02
    Rb 3.03
    Sr 2.49
    Y 2.32
    Zr 2.23
    Nb 2.18
    Mo 2.17
    Tc 2.16
    Ru 2.13
    Rh 2.10
    Pd 1.63
    Ag 1.72
    Cd 1.58
    In 1.93
    Sn 2.17
    Sb 2.06
    Te 2.06
    I 1.98
    Xe 2.16
    Cs 3.43
    Ba 2.68
    La 2.43
    Ce 2.42
    Pr 2.40
    Nd 2.39
    Pm 2.38
    Sm 2.36
    Eu 2.35
    Gd 2.34
    Tb 2.33
    Dy 2.31
    Ho 2.30
    Er 2.29
    Tm 2.27
    Yb 2.26
    Lu 2.24
    Hf 2.23
    Ta 2.22
    W 2.18
    Re 2.16
    Os 2.16
    Ir 2.13
    Pt 1.72
    Au 1.66
    Hg 1.55
    Tl 1.96
    Pb 2.02
    Bi 2.07
    Po 1.97
    At 2.02
    Rn 2.20
    Fr 3.48
    Ra 2.83
    Ac 2.47
    Th 2.45
    Pa 2.43
    U 1.86
    Np 2.39
    Pu 2.43
    Am 2.44
    Cm 2.45
    Bk 2.44
    Cf 2.45
    Es 2.45
    Fm 2.45
    Md 2.46
    No 2.46
    Lr 2.46
    Atoms Radius

    BONDI radii scaled by 1.17

    H 1.28
    He 1.64
    Li 2.13
    Be 1.79
    B 2.25
    C 1.99
    N 1.81
    O 1.78
    F 1.72
    Ne 1.80
    Na 2.66
    Mg 2.02
    Al 2.15
    Si 2.46
    P 2.11
    S 2.11
    Cl 2.05
    Ar 2.20
    K 3.22
    Ca 2.70
    Sc 2.52
    Ti 2.47
    V 2.42
    Cr 2.41
    Mn 2.40
    Fe 2.39
    Co 2.34
    Ni 1.91
    Cu 1.64
    Zn 1.63
    Ga 2.19
    Ge 2.47
    As 2.16
    Se 2.22
    Br 2.16
    Kr 2.36
    Rb 3.55
    Sr 2.91
    Y 2.71
    Zr 2.61
    Nb 2.55
    Mo 2.54
    Tc 2.53
    Ru 2.49
    Rh 2.46
    Pd 1.91
    Ag 2.01
    Cd 1.85
    In 2.26
    Sn 2.54
    Sb 2.41
    Te 2.41
    I 2.32
    Xe 2.53
    Cs 4.01
    Ba 3.14
    La 2.84
    Ce 2.83
    Pr 2.81
    Nd 2.80
    Pm 2.78
    Sm 2.76
    Eu 2.75
    Gd 2.74
    Tb 2.73
    Dy 2.70
    Ho 2.69
    Er 2.68
    Tm 2.66
    Yb 2.64
    Lu 2.62
    Hf 2.61
    Ta 2.60
    W 2.55
    Re 2.53
    Os 2.53
    Ir 2.49
    Pt 2.01
    Au 1.94
    Hg 1.81
    Tl 2.29
    Pb 2.36
    Bi 2.42
    Po 2.30
    At 2.36
    Rn 2.57
    Fr 4.07
    Ra 3.31
    Ac 2.89
    Th 2.87
    Pa 2.84
    U 2.18
    Np 2.80
    Pu 2.84
    Am 2.85
    Cm 2.87
    Bk 2.85
    Cf 2.87
    Es 2.87
    Fm 2.87
    Md 2.88
    No 2.88
    Lr 2.88